Hip-Hop Show Has Grog Shop ‘Up in Smoke’
So Issue 3 failed miserably at the polls last week — a good thing in the eyes of many, but that didn’t stop the Grog Shop from going up in smoke last night for the Happy Holidaze tour featuring Devin…

Scene | Devin the Dude and Crew Deliver Fun-filled Show at Grog Shop
On Saturday night, Devin the Dude and his Buds & Suds Tour rolled into town. Staying true to the name, tall boys of Pabst Blue Ribbon were flowing and a certain kind of smoke lingered in the air of the…

RapReviews | Review: Devin The Dude – Seriously Trippin EP
In this age and time where the hottest new rapper seemingly emerges out of thin air every two months and has legions of devoted fans overnight, it’s refreshing to see that there’s still a place for some of the veterans…